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11 lbs 2 ounces.  Caught spawning.  She was stuck on the bed hard.  It took about 20 min to hang her.. she ripped about 20 feets of line out.. and after about two min..I scooped her up the net and weighed her.  She is now on my wall..

Submitted: April 16th, 2010 by Ryan Watson

11 lbs 2 ounces. Caught spawning. She was stuck on the bed hard. It took about 20 min to hang her.. she ripped about 20 feets of line out.. and after about two min..I scooped her up the net and weighed her. She is now on my wall..

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On 4/20/2010 at 8:53 pm Robert R Young wrote:

Beautiful fish, it's a shame that you didn't release her back where she belongs. The day I catch my 11 lb 2 oz Largemounth you cau guarantee the by grandchild will have a shot at hooking her. Not to take away from your catch,but we all know that spawning females are more vulnerable.

On 7/20/2010 at 10:26 pm Stacey wrote:

I understand what your saying about releasing her back for future generations.. But that is a once in a lifetime catch, I would probably have her hanging on my wall also. Spawning female can be a frustrating catch.. Many times you can't get them to take the bait if they do most of the time they just pick it up and move it off bed, which isn't a good hook up.. But I agree with you about that.. I leave spawning fish on beds alone.. Even though it is tempting.

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