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29.5lb, 40inch Striped Bass, Lake Lanier, 04/2005.  Coached cousin in with this fish on his first ever Striped Bass trip, first Striper caught in first hour.  My cousin thought it was hung on the bottom after fighting it for 15 minutes and he tightened the drag just as I yelled no, no, the fish lurched forward with my cousin diving forward with the fish while loosening the drag nearly impaling himself on the bow trolling motor.  Continuing emphatically coaching him to keep the pressure on the fish, he finally pulled it in screaming it's a shark (coming from Florida) when he first glimpsed the striper.  Could not fit it in my net and both of us nearly rolled out of the boat while grabbing each side of his mouth hauling the Striper into boat and the circle hook fell out of the Stripers mouth onto the deck!  I reinforced my coaching with

Submitted: January 11th, 2009 by Greg Gramig

29.5lb, 40inch Striped Bass, Lake Lanier, 04/2005. Coached cousin in with this fish on his first ever Striped Bass trip, first Striper caught in first hour. My cousin thought it was hung on the bottom after fighting it for 15 minutes and he tightened the drag just as I yelled no, no, the fish lurched forward with my cousin diving forward with the fish while loosening the drag nearly impaling himself on the bow trolling motor. Continuing emphatically coaching him to keep the pressure on the fish, he finally pulled it in screaming it's a shark (coming from Florida) when he first glimpsed the striper. Could not fit it in my net and both of us nearly rolled out of the boat while grabbing each side of his mouth hauling the Striper into boat and the circle hook fell out of the Stripers mouth onto the deck! I reinforced my coaching with "see, if you had let up the pressure, he would have surely thrown the hook". A 20 minute fight and great day fishing that we both enjoy sharing this fantastic story with our families and friends.

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On 4/28/2010 at 10:20 am Zach wrote:

congrats man! thats a really pretty striped bass!

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