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Early morning spinner bait about 3 miles outside Boston. Nothing fancy, but for a guy with some physical limitations and health problems, it felt a little bigger. I know it's not the prettiest bass but he unfortunately lives in a pond that is polluted. Fishing isn't easy for me these days and rarely am I feeling well enough to go, but this makes everything else melt away if only for those few short seconds when the rod tip bends! Thanks for all your great tips throughout the years Mr. Dance!!

Submitted: May 4th, 2017 by Jason Val

Early morning spinner bait about 3 miles outside Boston. Nothing fancy, but for a guy with some physical limitations and health problems, it felt a little bigger. I know it's not the prettiest bass but he unfortunately lives in a pond that is polluted. Fishing isn't easy for me these days and rarely am I feeling well enough to go, but this makes everything else melt away if only for those few short seconds when the rod tip bends! Thanks for all your great tips throughout the years Mr. Dance!!

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