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I bought a farm last year with a 10  acre lake. It is an old body of water, approx 60 years old. I was frustrated that the bass we were catching were only 12-14 inches long. I found the problem; the average crappie is 12 inches and 3/4lb. I have taken three crappie over 16 inches, one 18 inches from the pond. It is easy to catch 12-15 of these guys on any given outing. They respond to white fuzzy 1/16 oz jigs the best. I use a weighted bobber with the jig, it stays put better in a breeze.

Submitted: March 28th, 2009 by Scott Gwillim

I bought a farm last year with a 10 acre lake. It is an old body of water, approx 60 years old. I was frustrated that the bass we were catching were only 12-14 inches long. I found the problem; the average crappie is 12 inches and 3/4lb. I have taken three crappie over 16 inches, one 18 inches from the pond. It is easy to catch 12-15 of these guys on any given outing. They respond to white fuzzy 1/16 oz jigs the best. I use a weighted bobber with the jig, it stays put better in a breeze.

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On 9/4/2011 at 10:07 am BUTCH WHITE wrote:

I like the pics folks but dawggone the same fish at 5:48 look at the time. Show different pics plzz

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