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This is another fine catch on my #1 homemade favorite, the 1st one I made.  I caught this one in cleveland, oh., I was working my top water for about an hour, at this time of the year its not the lure of chice, but I am a top water finatic, so I kept walkling the dog.  My frind was flipping a jig and we were getting hits but none were landed.  Then I slowed down my technique and wham, I hooked into this nice one.  I was letting it sit still then twitching it repeating that motion all the way in.  About 12 feet away this one decided it had enough, and slammed my lure and I landed it. 2 days before I had a 6 to 7 pounder hooked ready to land before it broke water and snapped my eyelet in half.  I replaced that eyelet on the way to this lake, and lets just say it was well worth the effort.

Submitted: May 9th, 2010 by Martin Bossone 3rd.

This is another fine catch on my #1 homemade favorite, the 1st one I made. I caught this one in cleveland, oh., I was working my top water for about an hour, at this time of the year its not the lure of chice, but I am a top water finatic, so I kept walkling the dog. My frind was flipping a jig and we were getting hits but none were landed. Then I slowed down my technique and wham, I hooked into this nice one. I was letting it sit still then twitching it repeating that motion all the way in. About 12 feet away this one decided it had enough, and slammed my lure and I landed it. 2 days before I had a 6 to 7 pounder hooked ready to land before it broke water and snapped my eyelet in half. I replaced that eyelet on the way to this lake, and lets just say it was well worth the effort.

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On 5/10/2010 at 7:09 pm Ron Mahovsky wrote:

Hey,nice catch. In Cleveland, Oh. thats a trophy. Most people I know would have mounted that one. Hopefully you let it go. I'm just curious to know how much it weighed. If I had to guess I would say around 7lbs.

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